Published: Dec. 20, 2018

Lior Gross (left, image by Patrick Campbell) and Eyal Rivlin (right)CU Boulder student Lior Gross (left) and the Program in Jewish Studies' Instructor Eyal Rivlin (right) launched their new gender-inclusive Hebrew language in October 2018. The project began last year when Gross, who identifies as gender nonbinary, was faced the difficult task of describing themselves or what they are doing. Until the Nonbinary Hebrew Project was launched, the Hebrew language did not have many options for those who identify as nonbinary.

Visit the Nonbinary Hebrew Project website

Lior Gross and Eyal Rivlin's work has been shared in a number of publications.

Read the article in the Forward Read the article in CU Boulder Today  Read the article in Westword  Read the article in Boulder Weekly



Images by CU Boulder/Patrick Campbell.